wwwwms 发表于 2006-7-27 11:33   只看TA 1楼


1件/175克 三文鱼
1小勺 沙拉油
1小碗 米饭
1杯 热乌龙茶
少许 海苔
1/3小勺 美极汁
1 pc/175 g Salmon
1 tsp Salad oil
1 bowl Steamed rice
1 cup Oolong tea, hot
Some seaweed
1/3 tsp Maggie sauce
Wasabi to taste
Spring onion, shredded

1. 三文鱼两面都抹上盐,放在盘子里,腌制30分钟左右。把海苔剪成小条,或者用手撕成小块儿。
Sprinkle the salt on the both sides of salmon. Let marinate for about 30 minutes. Tear the seaweed into small pieces or cut into shreds.
2. 不沾锅入油,把三文鱼两面都煎成金黄色。取出切成小块备用。
Heat up a skillet with oil and pan-fry the salmon until golden on both sides. Cut it into a few pieces and set aside.
3. 把煮好的热米饭放入碗里,加进三文鱼块和海苔丝。(若米饭是剩的凉米饭,用微波炉稍微转热1-2分钟。)倒入热乌龙茶,滴入美极酱油。再根据个人的口味放适量的芥末,洒上葱丝拌匀即可食用。
Scoop rice in a bowl, (if the rice is left from the last meal, then warm it up in a microwave for 1-2 minutes.) Pour in the hot Oolong tea. Sprinkle with Maggie sauce and add in wasabi if desired. Add in spring onion. Stir and serve.

weige1444 发表于 2006-7-27 20:50   只看TA 2楼
该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2006-7-28 10:56   只看TA 3楼
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